Friday, January 16, 2009

The Meal Plan (January 18 - 24)

Here is the plan for the week!

Sunday:Herb roasted chicken, potatoes skins, Corn and broccoli
Monday: Sushi (*happy dance!*)
Tuesday: Shrimp, brown rice, Broccoli and Peas (maybe this will be a stir fry type thing)
Wednesday: Cod, brown rice, peas, and beans
Thursday: Rotinni, Meat balls, beans and broccoli (this is a Dad and daughter only night so I figured things should be easier for them!)
Friday: "Messy Giuseppe" (Rachael Ray "Express Lane Meals" p. 182) potato skins, corn and broccoli (basically this is suppose to be like sloppy joes!)
Saturday: Dinner & a movie (thanks to M&P for taking the kidlet for the night!)

Plus for the week we are going to be adding the following side dishes and salad:
- Linda's Thai Noodle Salad
- 4-bean Salad

*Yum* Grocery shopping was such a breeze this week! made it really easy I sat down looked at the weeks events, planned our meals and wrote down anything I didn't have in the house on the list and off I went.

Unfortunately, I found it difficult to come up with new ideas for meals. However, on the back of the grocery list I started writing down ideas for the future weeks as inspiration hit me in the store! I'll keep a master list in my binder then can refer back to it as we go on!

Ah yes, the binder. I keep a master binder of all my recipes - everything is in it, and it has a master index at the front, dividers and subdivisions to keep things organized (but I'll post more on that later!)

- UPDATE: only one problem has arisen now with the above. Apparently someone will be away Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week *sigh* however, it seems that the meal plan will be easy enough to adapt! Thank goodness for that.

Now I just need to find a few vegetarian items to try in the next couple of weeks!

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